Welcome Letter

As the Secretary-General, we proudly and warmly welcome you to Seymen College Junior Model United Nations Conference.


Today, when we have a look at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, I can clearly see that we definitely and unfortunately have a long way ahead of us.


This year we have started aiming  the same Sustainable Development Goals and in order to discuss about and find solutions to build a more inhabitable world; where there is justice for all, where everyone is given credit, where no one thinks what he is deprived of or why, where children by all means are exactly children, where children do not have to earn a living and enjoy their childhood, where our basic needs are met by our governments unconditionally, where no one has to leave his own country for any reason, move to someone else’s land and  move on as unwanted minority.


In the sparkle of those issues, we have set our agenda as

‘Social Justice for All’


We, as youth, always have things to say and I believe we certainly will have listeners as well. I hope we will have an outstanding and efficient conference where we will be able to discuss freely, ethusiastically, seriously and have wonderful time all together.


Yours Sincerely


Erdem Yeni